
Front Room welcomes acclaimed Ukrainian performer Volodymyr Smotrytsky to Weston with his solo performance of Mazepa. The play revolves around the main character Ivan Mazepa, who in his old age finds himself excommunicated and cast out beyond the borders of his homeland due to anathema. Through his own memories, he relives the key moments of his defeats.

Stable by Theatre Nisha

Theatre Nisha Uk bring their acclaimed play, Stable, to Front Room this Spring.

Jack, a psychologist, finds himself drawn to his client, Ava, over the course of their therapy sessions. In his own therapy with Tara, he attempts to explore these feelings but falters – resulting in a breakdown in the very safeguards around therapy.

Before Fame

What would you do if you discovered George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley rehearsing in a village hall before they were famous? Michael Burdett knows because that’s what happened to him when he was a 19-year-old talent scout.